This Bond movie, You Only Live Twice, was my kind of Bond movie. He didn’t force himself onto any women. Nor were there any vile names for female characters (unless it completely went over my head), and the plot was straightforward. Just when I’m starting to like Sean Connery as Bond he quits the role…yes, after this movie Connery quit his job as James Bond. Here are my thoughts on this movie and what stood out for me. (Yes, there will be spoilers.)
By the way, if you don’t know why I, a non Bond fan, am watching all 25 James Bond movies, read here for the details: Who Is The Next James Bond? A Non Bond Fan Makes Her Prediction.
What’s Good About You Only Live Twice
The plot was easy to follow. There was no confusion about James Bond’s mission–he goes to Japan to investigate the disappearance of an American and Russian spacecraft. Sometimes, Bond movies are so all over the place, that I never really understand the plot. This film’s simplicity reminded me of Dr. No. Actually, the movie seemed very similar to Dr. No, just different characters and key information.
James Bond actually mentions something personal about himself. He tells the secretary (Money Penny) that he went to Cambridge University. I wasn’t sure if he was serious or not, but it’s the first piece of personal information I recall hearing about him in any of the movies.
Bond doesn’t force himself on any women in this movie.
There’s no vile name used for women as in the movie Thunderball (unless it completely went over my head).
Will There Ever Be Another Villain Besides Spectre?
This is the fifth movie and, so far, there’s only been one villain…Spectre. Sure, there have been different villainous Spectre characters, but Spectre is always behind whatever evil plot Bond has to investigate.
It would be good to mix things up a bit and have a new villain besides Spectre. Or, even have Spectre join forces with Bond for some reason (true Bond fans would probably cringe at the thought).
CORRECTION: (10/25/2022) I just realized Spectre wasn’t the villain in Goldfinger, movie #3. I don’t know how I missed that. I guess I assumed the character, Goldfinger was a part of Spectre. It’s good to know they did change things up and not have Spectre be the only villain as I thought.
Sean Connery Quit The Role of James Bond
I mentioned in my previous post (movie #4, Thunderball) that Sean Connery looked tired and lackluster. It turns out he was tired…tired of being James Bond. In this movie he regained his onscreen flair and looked lively, but he was so tired of the James Bond role that he quit after this movie (
The next movie I watch, movie #6, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, will be with a whole new James Bond! The actor’s name is George Lazenby. It’ll be interesting to see what Lazenby is like as Bond. Will there be an evolution of the character? Or will he simply be an imitation of Sean Connery’s Bond?
Production/Filming of You Only Live Twice
This movie, You Only Live Twice, was filmed from July 1966 to March 1967 and released in theaters in June 1967. It’s amazing how fast they got these movies out. It’s almost like they were afraid the public would forget about James Bond if they didn’t get a movie out right away. The Bond movies were being churned out faster than some streaming series today.