#1 Dr. No

Wow, I made it through the first of twenty-five James Bond movies. It was fun watching the very first James Bond movie released in 1962, Dr. No. Sean Connery is absolutely magnetic which was the second biggest surprise as I watched this movie. The first biggest surprise is that there is a black man as a supporting actor. And third, I actually liked the movie. What wasn’t surprising…James Bond’s womanizing.

Here are some things that stood out as I watched the movie. This isn’t a movie review but there will be spoilers.

A Black Man Is A Supporting Actor in Dr. No

I was surprised that a black man was a supporting actor in the first James Bond movie. John Kitzmiller plays Quarrel in Dr. No. He wasn’t a butler, wasn’t a slave and he wasn’t killed off until after the halfway mark!  That was a big surprise for a movie filmed in 1962.  John Kitzmiller is most famous for his role in Dr. No, but he was the first black actor to win a best actor award at the Cannes Film Festival in 1957 for a Yugoslavian film.

I Actually Liked The Movie

There’s not a lot to say here because this isn’t a movie review, but to my surprise I actually liked the movie. It was a straightforward, uncomplicated plot. At times it seemed more science fiction, but over all the plot was decent, and I wasn’t bored. James Bond’s assignment is to investigate the murders of two British agents in Jamaica.

Sean Connery is Magnetic On Screen As James Bond

Based on photos, I never understood the hype about Sean Connery as James Bond, but he shines on screen. His look, his style is magnetic and he has a certain flair. His photos don’t do him justice.

Ian Fleming, author of the original Bond novels, didn’t want Connery to play Bond, but once he saw him on screen he realized the right choice had been made. 

Sean Connery was only 32 when he filmed the movie which is surprising because he looks much older.   He appears closer to a man well into his forties. 

His womanizing wasn’t a surprise which is the main reason I don’t like James Bond.  Not even quite halfway through the movie Bond has had sex with two different women. One, he forcefully grabs, kisses and unzips her dress, already knowing she was the enemy. And she goes along with it.

I don’t know how true it is, but in the spy world, that’s said to be the norm. They sleep with each other to get the information they want. Hopefully, that changes as James Bond evolves.

Women swoon over Bond and practically fall at his feet. In one scene, a hotel clerk practically drools all over him. That’s annoying.

Jack Lord Who Played In Hawaii Five O Is In Dr. No

I was surprised to see Jack Lord. He starred in one of my mother’s favorite tv shows when I was a kid…Hawaii Five O (the original).  By the way, Jack Lord was ten years older than Sean Connery, and he looks younger than Connery in the movie.

Production/Filming Info on Dr. No

Dr. No is the very first James Bond movie, filmed in 1962 (my birth year!), and released in theaters in 1963.

If you’d like to know why I, a non Bond fan, am watching all 25 James Bond movies you can read about it in detail here: Who Is The Next James Bond? A Non Bond Fan Makes Her Prediction. I’m watching the movies to see how James Bond evolves throughout the years….from the beginning to the most recent era.